Monday 17 November 2008

Another blog to be born soon

I've made the decision to start another blog that will hopefully fill some what of an empty space in my daily life.
Start date? Not sure yet. If I can get it up this week then that will be fantastic.
New Name? Well, I checked and Lady in Waiting is taken. But I think that Katie in Waiting is just as good.
I'll let you know what to look for.

In other news, I made a new friend down the street...well, not literally, but pretty damn close. Yay for cool people, seriously. I've been in need to someone to chat with and of course I met her through Ravelry: the best website on the face of the earth. Plus, I've been going to knit with a group in Southampton for the past two weeks on Thursday nights. I get to take the train and everything:) I love public transportation.

1 comment:

SHMT said...

Can't wait for the new site, and congrats on meeting someone new! I hope the relationship involves much giggling in addition to great conversations.