Saturday, 10 May 2008


Well, we're at the two week point for the big day and I think that things are coming along fine. I'm getting down to the details and making sure everything gets done will be my final task. But I have some fun photos from my trip to Toledo to share so that's what this post is all about. Enjoy!

Neil's Graduation in Bowling Green!!

Hanging out with Melissa in Toledo! We went to a Mudhens game...I would have made Klinger proud:) Toledo is really a nice place to be, no matter what John Denver says!

Dinner with the Zimman Family...proof that what goes around comes around.

Ok, so I only posted three photos!! The rest are on my camera and maybe I'll save them for next time! I'm living on other people's computers for a whole month and it's really weird.


Unknown said...

Did you happen to visit the main library in Toledo? My great-grandpa was the architect. I made a pilgrimage to see it after it was re-fitted with a new entryway.

SHMT said...

I can't believe it's only 2 weeks until the wedding! That's so exciting. I wish I could be there, but now, in addition to the other reasons, the sr pastor is gone that weekend, so I'm in charge: preaching, presiding, doing 2 baptisms. Good times. Enjoy the rest of your time in Ohio, and I can't wait to see you and to see pictures of the wedding!